German National Theater Weimar Big house

RESPONSIBILITY / DEATH FUGE is one of seven subprojects of the musical anti-war performance WAR SENTENCE, which the Marc Sinan Company, the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and the Ensemble Metamorphosis developed together with other international artists for the Kunstfest Weimar.


Urban space Ebersberg

- Seven musical interventions on the impossibility of forgetting: SEVEN SPIRITS is a multimedia, participatory installation. Seven pressure chamber speakers, stand for summoned spirits. Arranged in a circle, they emit eerie sounds.



- Aliens live among us and they have brought a guest gift: OUMUAMUA is a digital instrument that stores different sounds value-free. It helps us make music at eye level with each other, with our intergalactic neighbors, but also with our earthly ones.


Urban space Ebersberg

VERACHTUNG / BLUTSEE is one of seven subprojects of the musical anti-war performance KRIEGSWEIHE, which the Marc Sinan Company, the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and the Ensemble Metamorphosis developed together with other international artists for the Kunstfest Weimar. | sound installation daily between 12 and 18 o'clock


Urban space Ebersberg

HYBRIS / SEVEN SPIRTIS is one of seven sub-projects of the musical anti-war performance KRIEGSWEIHE, which the Marc Sinan Company, the Kyiv Symphony Orchestra and the Ensemble Metamorphosis have developed together with other international artists for the Kunstfest Weimar. | sound installation daily 12 - 19 h


Munich Chamber Theatre

- our fragmented past, present and future: where do we come from and where are we going? West African creation myths meet the Big Bang Theory. Together with the Djiguya Orchestra from Mali and the Neue Vocalsolisten, the Marc Sinan Company explores the soundtrack of the Big Bang.



State Theater Karlsruhe

- Paradise now!: What does a world sound like after humanity has disappeared? Will it be paradisiacal or apocalyptic conditions, which circles of hell do we have to pass through? And where will it lead us? With the apocalyptic performance OFFENBARUNG - Paradise now! we look towards the end of the world.


State Theater Karlsruhe

- Aliens live among us and they have brought a guest gift: OUMUAMUA is a digital instrument that stores different sounds value-free. It helps us make music at eye level with each other, with our intergalactic neighbors, but also with our earthly ones.


Kampnagel Hamburg

- A composed research by Marc Sinan and Nataly Bleuel: Bombs Fall, Bombs Kill. Daily and yet anonymous. Who is a perpetrator and who is a victim in war is often in the eye of the beholder. The concert DIFFERENT BOMBS is a composed research for 8 electric guitars, 8 violas, 8 double basses.


Concert Hall Berlin

- A composed research by Marc Sinan and Nataly Bleuel: Bombs Fall, Bombs Kill. Daily and yet anonymous. Who is a perpetrator and who is a victim in war is often in the eye of the beholder. The concert DIFFERENT BOMBS is a composed research for 8 electric guitars, 8 violas, 8 double basses.


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Schönwalder Str. 9-16, Berlin, Germany
44 1793 123 456