Revelation – Paradise Now!
In Offenbarung – Paradise now!, Marc Sinan dedicates his epic oratorio between five continents to different, competing narratives of the end of all time.
The orchestra is joined by artists from Uganda, the Argentinian jungle, the heart of Australia and Antarctica. The last apocalypse, HAL, the artificial intelligence knows the way out: I am you, in you, from you. You are the revelation. You are the destruction. You are salvation. Sing and dance and play, because you are the war and you are paradise. Here and now. Here and now. Here and now.
WP November 9, 2023 Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe
Federal Cultural Foundation Badisches Staatstheater Karlsruhe YMUSIC GmbH
Marc Sinan Composition and artistic direction
Ulrich Wagner Musical direction
Holger Kuhla Libretto
Sonja Walter Dramaturgy
Mirko Borscht Video
Badische Staatskapelle Orchestra
Tomi Lebrero & Segundo Bercetche Musical-artistic research and project management Argentina
Tito Benitez Music Argentina
Hollis Taylor & Jon Rose Music, musical-artistic research and project management Australia
Nessuna and her family Music Uganda Johanna Vargas Soprano Nicola Beller Carbone Soprano
Jasmin Etminan Contralto
Magdalena Cerezo Piano
Meinrad Kneer double bass
Arno Kohlem Photos